RIDE RH Like a local

Redhead is world-class riding. The system has serious elevation and double black trails. It never hurts to listen to the locals - the ones who ride every trail on repeat. Check out what Joe has to say:

What is your favorite trail at Redhead (why)? 

JOE: Do I have to pick just one? I honestly can’t; however, I can rank them by my favorites:

1. Orange Crush… Once you start on this trail, you’ll say to yourself, “This is a joke, the best trail at Redhead MTB Park my ass.” Ha! Once you reach the 15’ - 20’ rock garden… hold on, the real fun is about to begin!! 

2. Pit Plunge… Punchy climbs, red rock tech. I only wish this trail was longer.

3. The Rim North and South…Get ready to open up your legs, the XC racer will love these trails. A nice easy pedal with awesome stopping points, to soak up more views. 

4. Fractured Falls… Whatever words I put down, won’t do this trail justice. The signature trail at Redhead MTB Park!

What should cyclists keep in mind when riding Redhead?

JOE: This system does not maintain itself!! Volunteers spend endless hours making your riding experience the best it can be. Every volunteer takes great pride in hearing “these trails are extremely well maintained!” Pace yourself!! Take your time, enjoy the views, don’t get distracted by the incredible views this system offers. RedheadMTBPark is a unique riding experience for this area. 

Any insider tips for a newcomer to Redhead?

JOE: Make sure you watch your PSI. Bring a spare tube, pump and the things to fix a flat. I’ve seen more than one rider walking their bike back to the trailhead. Not the end of the world; but it’s more fun riding back!! Ha! 

What would make a trip to Redhead even better? Any local spots to add to the itinerary while in Chisholm?

JOE: Give yourself plenty of time to enjoy this trail system. You’ll do yourself an injustice if you rush through. Make sure you experience downtown Chisholm… plenty of places to refuel with a burger and a few beers. Jim’s and Snickers come to mind first. Make sure stop at Val’s for your evening dinner, and refuel for the next day’s adventure. And since I live in Hibbing; stop at Palmer’s Tavern for the best burger on the Iron Range!! 😜


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