Redhead MTB Community Survey

Help Us Plan! Tell us what you think about Redhead in an online survey. It only takes a couple of minutes and your opinion is considered in the master planning process.

Read More in Press Release below:

Chisholm— June 12, 2024 The city of Chisholm invites residents to share their insights for Redhead Mountain Bike Park in a short survey, open today.  The survey is available online, with hard copies available at the Chisholm Public Library and Chisholm City Hall.

The survey is designed to gauge Chisholm residents’ use of the park, gather suggestions for improvements, and collect recommendations on how the park could be better connected with the community. These survey results will be used to inform the design of the Redhead Master Plan, currently in development.

In its third year of official operation, Redhead Mountain Bike Park contains 25-miles of professionally designed and built singletrack trails. The park attracts tens of thousands of riders each season from across the country and world.

With the 2023 award of an additional $1.66 MM in Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) funding, planning is underway for phase II of the mountain bike park build. Trailhead amenities, trail improvements and more miles of trails are just some of the elements in discussion. All current and future capital projects for the Redhead Mountain Bike Park are grant funded.  

While designed specifically for mountain biking, the park is multi-use, with hikers utilizing the trails in warm months and snowshoers during winter. Redhead Mountain Bike is a community asset, and the city is eager to learn residents’ usage and perceptions.

The five-minute survey is available online at

Responses will be gathered until Friday, June 28.  Questions about the survey can be directed to Bridgit Maruska, City of Chisholm Parks, Trails, & Recreation at


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