MCA Race Volunteers Needed

Redhead is hosting the 2024 Minnesota Cycling Association State Championship Race again, Oct 11-13. MTB Teams from across MN compete, equating to thousands of racers (grades 6-12) and spectators. For such a large event to be successful, parking assistance is needed from the City of Chisholm. Please reach out to Bridgit Maruska to add your name to the volunteer parking assistant schedule. | 218-254-7909 | 218-969-6408 (text)

Friday 10/11 4:30—6:30 - 4 volunteers needed

6:30—8:00 - 3 volunteers needed

Saturday 10/12 7:30—9:30 - 4 volunteers needed

9:30—11:30 - 4 volunteers needed

11:30—1:30 - 4 volunteers needed

1:30—3:30 - 4 volunteers needed

Sunday 10/13 7:30—9:30 - 4 volunteers needed

9:30—11:30 - 4 volunteers needed

11:30—1:30 - 4 volunteers needed

1:30—3:00 - 4 volunteers needed


Redhead Welcomes Back ROck SOlid